
Haskell版2003lkインタプリタ エラーメッセージ翻訳ログ

CommonIO.hs:20: putStrLn' English $ NormalMessage $ "\nparsing " ++ filepath ++ ":\n"

Execute.hs:64:  then runtimeError $ "f5 register was not preserved after the call. It should be in " ++ show initialF5 ++ " but is actually in " ++ show a
>"Firjalen f5 veles furnkieo fasta fenxeil. Mole la lex es " ++ show initialF5 ++ " pelx la lex es" ++ show a ++ " fal cirla"

Execute.hs:276:   Nothing -> runtimeError $ "Undefined label `" ++ unLabel label ++ "`"
>"Firsykaloa l'es `" ++ unLabel label ++ "` es snojanerfe."

Execute.hs:276:  Nothing -> runtimeError $ "Undefined label `" ++ unLabel label ++ "`"

Execute.hs:309:   | otherwise -> runtimeError $ "nx has an invalid address " ++ show currentNX
>"nx laxn dirjasanasch setival zu es " ++ show currentNX

Linker.hs:23: Left _ -> Left $ LinkError "multiple files lack `kue`"
>"Chertifess mol niv mels `kue`"

Linker.hs:25:  Nothing -> Left $ LinkError "all files have `kue`"
>"Als chertif laxn `kue`"

Linker.hs:37:   "conflict: different files export the same label(s) `" ++ intercalate ", " (map unLabel labels) ++ "“"
>"Sliejseso: cuturlo eustira'd chertifess feat daliu'd firsykaloa `" ++ intercalate ", " (map unLabel labels) ++ "“"
(心配、コロンは"es", "is"で読む場合もあるということ、初学者とかに書かないとなあ。)

Linker.hs:45-46:    "conflict: cannot import label(s) `" ++ intercalate ", " (map unLabel xokConflicts) ++   "` that is already defined in the file"
>"Sliejseso: elx mouteo niv cene firsykaloa `" ++ intercalate ", " (map unLabel xokConflicts) ++   "` La lex veles snojo xelvinj fal chertifestan."

Linker.hs:50-51:   "cannot export label(s) `" ++ intercalate ", " (map unLabel kueWithoutEvidence) ++  "` that is not defined in the file"
>"Cene niv cuturl firsykaloa `" ++ intercalate ", " (map unLabel kueWithoutEvidence) ++  "` La lex niv veles snojo fal chertifestan."

Messages.hs:16: show' English (LinkError str) = "LinkError: " ++ str
>"Nixo melsrolfeno: " ++ str

Messages.hs:19: show' English (ParseError str) = "ParseError: " ++ str
>"Nixo kakitercenust: " ++ str

Messages.hs:22: show' English (RuntimeError str str2) = "RuntimeError: " ++ str ++ str2
>"Nixo ingglimj: " ++ str ++ str2

Parse.hs:72:beautify [_,"+"] = left "Unexpected + at the end of input"
>"Delriunerfe + mol fal enerlen leijubackerstan"

Parse.hs:73:beautify ("+":_) = left "Unexpected + at the beginning of input"
>"Delriunerfe + fal enerlen fassleijustan"

Parse.hs:74:beautify ("@":_) = left "Unexpected @ at the beginning of input"
>"Delriunerfe @ fal enerlen fassleijustan"

Parse.hs:87:normalize [(Nothing,_)] = left "l' must be preceded by an instruction"
>"Deliu l' mol pesta cersva'd uies"

Parse.hs:148:  [] -> lift $ left "nll must be followed by an instruction"
>"Deliu nll mol fasta cersva'd uies"

Parse.hs:152:  ((Nothing,_):_) -> lift $ left "nll must not be followed by l'"
Parse.hs:163:toI xs = lift $ left $ "Unparsable command sequence " ++ show xs
>"Kakitercenustusykinerfe xlaiso'd leiju zu " ++ show xs ++ " mol"

Parse.hs:167: Nothing -> lift $ left $ "`" ++ x ++ "` cannot be used as a valid label"
>"Cene niv lus `" ++ x ++ "` cixj suiten firsykaloa"

Parse.hs:177: parseRegister str = left $ "there is no register named `" ++ str ++ "`"
>"Miv mol firjalen ferlke's zu es `" ++ str ++ "`"

Parse.hs:185:  | otherwise = left $ "cannot parse `" ++ str ++ "` as a valid data"
>"Cene niv es kakitercenust'i mels `" ++ xs ++ "` cixj suiten acirlan."

Parse.hs:206:parseL xs = left $ "cannot parse `" ++ xs ++ "` as a valid place to put data"
>"Cene niv es kakitercenust'i mels `" ++ xs ++ "` cixj suitenal enerle'l."

TentativeLoad.hs:29:    Left $ LinkError "size limit of a single file was exceeded"
>"panqa'd chertifen xerfo es sach'arrefoien fai jurkenel'd snojostan"

TentativeLoad.hs:32:  Left labels -> Left $ LinkError $ "duplicating local label(s): " ++ intercalate ", " (map unLabel labels)
>"local firsykaloa'st sliejseso: " ++ intercalate ", " (map unLabel labels)

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